Friday, February 21, 2014

Climate Change Realities

With all of the wild weather this winter, we have been hearing a lot of the same mantra we have for the last 20 years.  It’s global warming!  Every weather phenomena for the last 25 years has been because of global warming if you listen to its proponents.  Too hot?  Global warming.  Too cold?  Global warming.  Too wet?  Too dry?  No snow?  6 feet of snow?  All global warming.  Really, it is all malarkey.

We had the emails of the scientists who were at the head of global warming research leaked out with admitted manipulation of the data.  We had model projections of what should have occurred over the last 20 years, all wrong.  We’ve had mountains of evidence brought forth by other scientists that show the global warming hypothesis put forth is wrong, all ignored and the scientists attacked and blackballed.  Despite all of this, the global warmists march on like none of it happened.  They have been caught publishing doctored pictures, fake diagrams, and telling stories that never happened.  The media had to cover up the fact that a global warming expedition to see the melting ice got caught in a major rapid ice expansion.  So what is true?

The truth is, the climate does change.  It has throughout history.  It goes back and forth.  It did this long before mankind was burning fossil fuels.  Man though has short term memory.  Anyone over 40 should remember the 70s.  We were going into another ice age back then, we were told.  It only took 10 years to change that idea.  Back in the 50s there were a few years with large numbers of tornadoes.  Scientists though that perhaps the nuclear bomb tests had changed our climate.  In the 1930s there were climate worries because of the severe drought and dust bowl that helped make worse the great depression.  In the 1800s, there was the little ice age brought about by a volcanic eruption.  The climate is always changing, and scientists of the day tend to think that we caused it or that they can fix it.  We don’t, and they can’t.

Governments have bought into this idea of manmade global warming because it gives them an excuse to move in and control free markets and private industry.  For the good of mankind, the government must regulate and tax you and business and regulate all of your lives to help save the planet.  It isn’t about saving the planet though.  It is about power and control.  They have the money to buy and sell scientists to say what they want to put out, and the power to silence opposition to a point.

With all of the political wrangling though, we are missing a great opportunity.  Scientists could and should learn how to make honest long term models that can accurately predict our weather in the short and longer terms.  It is a matter of national security.  Our food and water supply are essential to our survival.  This currency is much more real that the paper dollars we print.  

With accurate modeling of future weather in the near and long term, we would know what to plant that will thrive in the expected conditions.  We would know when and where we needed to store up waters and make preparations to shift water supplies to where they will be needed.   We can prioritize areas where resources would be most beneficial to get maximum production of crops and animals while using the least amount of resources so we can ensure food and water for ourselves, our neighbors, and whoever else may need some. 

In conclusion, we need to look at climate change in terms of how we can effectively work with and around whatever weather we may encounter rather than this phony fight that claims to be able to manipulate the weather by imposing government control over lives, businesses and property. 

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