Saturday, December 28, 2013

Weather roundup 12/28/13

It’s been a somewhat quiet week of weather across the continental United States.  With the easing of the harsh weather, repairs are still being done to the electric grids from Michigan to Maine that were damaged by last week’s ice storms.  There are still thousands without power, but will soon be back online.  A quick extreme cold snap in the middle of the country has been replace by milder air in the first part of the weekend, but the mild air won’t last as an even colder batch of arctic air will blast down giving a chill for the new year to much of the US.  Temps will plunge WAY below normal for a large section of the country.  No major systems expected this week but there could be a couple small snow events in the planes lakes and Northeast.  Here is a look at some of the coldest air expected.  Those are wind chills, by the way.

Other parts of the world are still having some pretty harsh weather.  In Switzerland, some areas saw as much as 3 feet of snow fall in just 12 hours.

Down in the Antarctic, there is a ship that has been stuck in the ice all week.  It is so cold that even the ice cutter ship got stuck in the ice.  Rescue efforts continue.  I say just get one of those swamp boats, enclose it with heaters and glide everyone away.  Lol

Ice Breaker gets stuck in Antarctica

Weather is a big story over in England where even the Prime minister is taking flack for a seeming poor response to flooding and power outages caused by large storms that have struck the Islands this year.

A strange Boom was heard over parts of Canada this week.  There have been reports of strange noises heard at various times around the world, many even captured on video.  IN this case, investigators are starting to see a link  between some of these “booms” and ice storms.  Cryoseisms may be related to freezing rain! "What is similar about these events and the Christmas Eve events is that all of them had recently experienced an ice storm."

Christmas Eve Boom heard in Canada

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