Saturday, August 24, 2013



What are they?  One of the biggest conspiracy theories running around the web the past 20 years has been about chemtrails, or the lines you see in the sky after a jet flies over.  I’ve seen claims that they are the result of a government weather control program, or the government is spraying mind control things into the air.  Another theory I saw is about them being used as a means to curb global warming. 

I’ve been involved in the weather field for 25 years, and studied weather since I can remember.  Now I know what I am about to say will bring great protestations by some people and I will be accused of being part of the conspiracy, bought out by the man, or a shill for the government, but it all truthfulness, I am none of those thing.   I just want to shed some simple truth about what these chemtrails are, and hopefully alleviate some unneeded anxieties.  We have enough real issues to deal with without worrying about imaginary ones.

Chemtrails are formed by jet aircraft generally flying above 30,000 feet.  The hot exhaust from the engine being ejected into the cold atmosphere condenses water vapor in the atmosphere into a cloud.  The greater the humidity, or amount of moisture in the air, the longer lasting and length of the cloud produced.  If the air is dry, you may get little to no contrails (condensation trails, which is what I will call them from here on).  If the air is saturated, the contrail may linger for hours and spread into higher coverage cirrus clouds.  Various cross winds in the atmosphere can give the lingering contrails various shapes and deformation. 

Scientists have known about and studied contrails for years.  They are easily predictable.  The following chart displays the weather conditions and the predicted occurrence of contrails and their duration.

I know people love to cling to their conspiracies, so probably nothing here is going to change any minds of anyone deep into them.  I just hope I can ease the minds of those who have been freaked out by these conspiracies.  It really is just that simple.  It is not some complex government hidden agenda new world order population weather control conspiracy. Now granted, some of those may be out there, but this is not one of them.

1 comment:

  1. It seems scientists provide the answer "the powers that be" want us to believe.


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